Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I want to be heard OR listened.

All, what I want, what I think, what I objects, I scream !, Whatever .....is currently only heard by me !

But ..I want to tell this to everybody..I want to share my views, my opinions , my pains, my happiness, my joy's, my life...to everybody out here..So guys.. Here I am starting again to write. I think blogging is one of the best option to express yourself.
First thing..I should understand is' to get away from "Procastination" - The biggest enemy of all human beings. Because of procastination one can not wake-up early, one can not do the things as per plan, one can not manage the times, - I think all that because of - Procastination.
....So GOD...please help me to fight with this ..(procastination) whenver I'll be thinking to write my blog, whenever I'll be thinking to work out or waking up early, whenever I'll be thinking to do something as per my plan.

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